Pick a list:
Game Play
Choose a list for everyone to use.
Click the Letter button to pick a random letter for everyone to use.
Start the 3min timer, and begin thinking of answers for each category.
Answers must fit the category and begin with the random letter.
When time runs out, all players must stop writing.
Players take turns reading their answers out loud. They score one point for every unique accetable answer. Answers must be unique among all players.
More points are rewarded for repeating the rolled letter as a first letter (ex: "Spongebob Squarepants" scores 2 points).
Roll a new letter, start the timer, and continue playing using the same list. Repeat so a total of three unique letters are used for a list.
Rules for Acceptable Answers:
When challenging, all players vote on whether the answer is acceptable, majority rules. In the case of a tie, the answer is rejected.