by Sean
January 2021 Update
Happy New Year!
This month I worked on creating a new adventure that will be released with the game.
I would like to have at least 10 short adventures built in to the game that people can play and edit. I've completed As Luck May Have It (which is available to play online for free), but I need more!
This new adventure starts with you waking up outside of a mysterious cabin, where you will have to break a curse on the stranger inside.
Spook Show Studio allows you to draw anything you want. You can follow any process that works for you.
For me personally, I've always struggled with creating pixel art. I enjoy working on it, but I'm never satisfied with the results.
I need all the help I can get - so I cheat! :-)
After designing the puzzles on paper, my current process is to use a program called Home Design 3D to layout everything virtually:
This allows me to map everything out, and comes included with objects like couches, tables, windows, etc.
Once I have everything mapped out, I take screenshots of the locations. For this adventure, I have 16 locations throughout the cabin. Here's one in the living room:
For each location, I convert it into a room inside of Spook Show Studio.
I start by tracing everything. This helps me get the correct perspective and make moving through the rooms actually feel like traveling through a real 3D space.
Next, I fill in basic colors, using the Spook Show Studio palette:
Lastly, I add lighting, texture, and other details:
This process will repeat for all 16 locations in this adventure. It takes a couple hours for each location, but it's pretty easy for the most part.
Part of the reason I wanted to create Spook Show Studio was to show people it's okay to suck at art and still create a fun adventure.
At the same time, if I'm asking people to pay for this, I want to try my best to create something that looks cool, to the best of my ability.
One more surprise this month!
I was interviewed by Seoirse Dunbar for his podcast about adventure games!
If you'd like to hear me talk about the design and plans for Spook Show Studio, check out the interview here.
And if you haven't heard of the podcast before, check out previous episodes too, it's really cool to hear Seoirse and the team's thoughts on new games coming out!
Thanks for following along, I'll see you next month!
- Sean aka velipso
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