Out-of-Body, Psychedelic
Floating Around House, Cloudy Psychedelics

I was able to get out of body today during my meditation.
I laid down at 2pm, and focused on my breath.
Whenever I lost focus, I would inspect why I lost focus. Where did my mind wander off to? What was it trying to do? What did it find more interesting than my breath?
For me, I was surprised to learn that it kept trying to predict and model the future in order to feel more secure about the present. I reassured myself that I was safe and secure in the present, and if any threat came in the future, then I could address it at that point.
I did this for a while, and eventually drifted off.
I jolted awake with a stiff neck, readjusted myself, and continued meditating.
These second meditations – after waking up from a short nap – have been very receptive states for me.
Slowly, I relaxed, and continued focusing on my breath.
After a while, I noticed I could leave my body.
I squeezed my non-physical hands against the bed, which slightly nudged my entire non-physical body upwards, as if it was floating in water.
I floated to the ceiling, without seeing anything.
I straighened my legs underneath me and couldn’t feel any ground, so attempted to float back to the floor without seeing.
Eventually I did hit the bedroom floor. I grabbed the bedroom doorknob, opened the door, and walked out. At this point, my vision came online.
I banged on the walls. I walked around the house, banging on the walls, attempting to alert my wife that I was out of body. Our dog seemed to be following me but I didn’t pay attention to him.
I looked around for my wife in the living room, and her office, but couldn’t find her (afterwards, I confimed she was in her office at this time, and didn’t see me).
I looked at her bathroom, which was sealed shut – there was no door, the wall just continued where the doorway should be. I attempted to phase through to see if she was in there, but couldn’t get through the wall. Perhaps my subconscious was respecting her privacy 😛.
I walked through the kitchen, and started to go outside.
I snapped back into my body.
I continued meditating, and focused on my vision, which started to look psychedelic.
I continued to relax and tried not to fuss.
The psychedelic patterns came. At first it was just a few shiny gold parts, but eventually filled most of my vision.
However, it was like I was looking through a cloudy sphere. It looked like I was in a cloudy sphere, and the space behind it started to take on vast 3D space, with golden facets shimmering.
I noticed the cloudy blotches that were obscuring my vision.
It didn’t seem like the psychedelic space was coming to me, but rather that it’s always there, but obscured behind these clouds that I generate. It was like I was in the center of a snow globe, trying to view the outside reality, but being obscured by the contents of the globe.
I watched these clouds, partly wishing they would get out of the way, but mostly just appreciating the experience.
Eventually, the clouds won, and obscured my entire ability to see into the space.
I woke up with very vibrant physical vision. The walls of my bedroom looked very vibrant and popped.
It was a really cool experience.