Hyper-real Plastic Environment

Usually I nap/meditate after work, around 4:30-6:00pm.
Normally I don’t try for too long, because I could lay there forever, and then miss dinner and quality time with my wife. However, one benefit of trying for a long time is that I will have difficulty going to bed at 11:00pm, which means I have another opportunity for weird stuff.
Today I laid down for my nap/meditation, and just went for it. I meditated for a while, but eventually fell asleep (I think?). When waking up, I took it slow, and didn’t get up.
I forced myself to stay still, and continue meditating. It didn’t feel like I was getting anywhere, but then I heard some whooshing, and realized I could have a weird experience if I kept trying.
It started with hearing music. It wasn’t a song I recognized, but the lyrics and chorus were very catchy and simple. The lyrics were talking about a being from the sky, but I can’t remember them exactly. I remember that they rhymed. The song ended with a loud group of people cheering and singing without instruments, as if it was played live and the audience took over.
I thought that was pretty cool, and started to slip around. I rotated left and right, and fell backwards on the bed. I was pretty sure my physical body wasn’t moving, and this was all non-physical.
At one point my wife came in the room, and I tried to communicate with her. She took off my shoes (I wasn’t wearing shoes in reality, but suddenly I was in this experience). She left the room.
I decided to go deeper. I focused on relaxing and meditating more.
I saw a black space. I requested to see my hands.
My hands appeared after a few seconds, and were pure white on the black backdrop. As I moved them, they left a trail. I requested color.
While I waited, I continued to inspect my white hands. Then the color came through – it was vibrant and hyper-real. Super high resolution with an almost plastic look.
I continued inspecting my hands, noticed my nails where there, looked at the folds in my “skin”.
Since it was against a black backdrop, I requested a brighter environment.
As I waited, I inspected my fingers, but then 10 seconds later, the backgrop turned bright, and I was in a meadow.
I have never seen anything like this meadow. It was hyper-real, with a plastic look. It reminded me of Toy Story. There was a fake looking grass surface, with fake looking purple flowers. I moved around in the environment completely facinated.
Unfortunately, it didn’t last long. The scene disolved and I saw a small white screen, with static on it. I asked if God was with me during those weird experiences. The static was flashing different letters and numbers, but I thought I saw “YES” – however, it changed to “YQS”, “YQ5”, etc, as it was flashing.
I said “Did you just say YES?” The screen showed “NO”, and I laughed.
I started to open my physical eyes, and could still move my non-physical hands, so I started to see how they overlayed on physical reality. They were like a dust, like a very fine particle. They looked solid at times, but it was like little specks of dust that materialized and dematerialized.
I was so excited about my adventure, I decided I better get up and write as much as I could, in order to remember it. What a wild ride! This was completely different from my previous experiences.