
Mind Awake Body Asleep

Mind Awake Body Asleep

I had an out of body experience (OBE) last night while falling asleep.

I napped from around 4-6pm, which meant I didn’t crash immediately when I went to bed around 11pm.

I decided to try my eye open technique: as I laid there waiting to fall asleep, if I lost awareness or got distracted from my goal of leaving my body, I would immediately open my eyes to jolt my mind awake.

This technique works really well! The only down side is that it can take a while… I probably laid there for 2-3 hours doing this.

No vibrations, no feeling of release, but gradually it felt like my arms were pointing down (through the bed). I heard someone breathing directly next to me. It took me a second to realize it was my own body! I toggled around and eventually was able to exit.

I floated along the bed side, and out the bedroom door. Once in the hallway, I could move more easily, and took a moment to improve my vision.

I didn’t have a plan, so went over to where my sensor setup was located – except it isn’t currently there because we are moving, and I packed it up. Still, I experienced it there, inaccurately.

My awareness was very messy though, my vision degraded to the point where I was going by feel.

I started to return to the bed, and noticed my expectations were driving part of the experience, like a dream. It wasn’t highly detailed though, and very faint. I suspect this is because I wasn’t in REM.

I returned to body and decided to go to sleep for real.

Some observations:

  1. This was very useful to see the dream world sneak into the OBE gradually, instead of abruptly. I think when I use the wake-back-to-bed (WBTB) method, I am more inclined to slip into dreaming quickly, because my body is in REM. I have been trying to get out without using WBTB for this very reason.
  2. This experience is consistent with the common belief that we leave our body every night, and usually just hover directly over our body, and dream.
  3. This is also consistent with the idea that we can start dreaming at any point while out of body.
  4. I almost didn’t notice I could leave my body! People might not realize they’re in a state to leave if they don’t know it’s an option in the first place!

I also find it interesting that my techniques over the years have gotten more simple. I used to perform a really long technique and meditation, with different stages. Now I find that’s completely unnecessary.

The only goal is to keep your mind awake while your body falls asleep. That’s it. Sure, a long complicated meditation can achieve that goal, but so can just laying there patiently for 2-3 hours.

Tags: Out-of-Body

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