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Benevolent Beings and Sarcastic Wilson Experiences

I felt a beam hit my third eye region, maybe an inch to the left of the spot right between my eyebrows. I used my non-phyiscal arm to point to where I felt the beam hit.

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Ominous Monologue Experience

The voice delivered a very long and ominous monologue. At first I tried to memorize word for word, but it quickly became too much to take in. At one point, the voice seemed to mock me that it was purposely saying a lot so I wouldn’t be able to remember.

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Are OBEs a delusional desire for immortality?

I’ve been thinking about the connection between OBEs and death, since my last experience included seeing my non-physical arm as mist.

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Misty Arm Experience

After about four hours of trying, I was able to have another out of body experience, where I saw my arm as translucent mist.

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Chair Experience

I had an out of body experience (OBE) this morning, again. It was very quick, but I thought I would record it just for posterity.

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Baby Crying Experience

Since my last OBE, I have wanted to try and see an entity the next time I got out. However, this experience demonstrates that OBEs can be surprising and defy expectations.

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Yanked Out of Body

Most of my OBEs have been pretty boring, believe it or not. Still, some OBEs have stuck with me through the years. One experience that I keep coming back to happened the morning of May 25th, 2006, when I was 23 years old.

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What Is The Soul?

In a previous post, I outlined what I feel is the most compelling evidence that the soul doesn’t exist. Now, let’s back up and explore the idea of the soul from a different perspective. If we did have a soul, how could it operate, and still be consistent with the facts we see?

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What does a typical out of body experience feel like?

I decide I want to have an out of body experience. This post is an amalgamation of common things I experience, but not exhaustive. This is typical for the night – my experiences in the morning have a different structure.

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Evidence Against the Soul

Given that I regularly have out of body experiences, it would make sense that I believe in a soul. Reality is more complicated than that though. It’s important to study the facts, even if they’re contradictory and don’t paint a clear picture.

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