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Are we trapped in a Prison Planet?

There is an hypothesis in UFO lore that we are souls trapped on Earth, in a cycle of reincarnation, against our will. This is called the Prison Planet hypothesis. Can I find anything in my own life that bears a resemblance to the Prison Planet?

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What if higher intelligent beings exist?

I don’t have proof that higher intelligent beings exist, but I think it’s an interesting thought experiment, which even the most ardent skeptic must address due to the advances in AI. How will the world look when we are no longer #1?

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Are Out of Body Experiences Real?

I used to be obsessed with this question. But OBEs are weird, and don’t fit neatly into our understanding of reality. Here’s how I was able to move past this question.

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Warm Hug Experience

I started to perceive that a non-human intelligence was helping me or watching me out of body. I didn’t see anything, but I started to freak out a little bit.

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Surfing Altered States of Consciousness

Everyone experiences altered states of consciousness. You might not realize it, but when you fall asleep, you pass through many different states. With practice, you can watch yourself fall asleep, and explore your own mind in the process.

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Journeys Out of the Body

I started having out of body experiences when I was 16. I’m now 40 years old, and have been having them my entire life.

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ChatGPT Story Time

My wife and I have found a fun use for ChatGPT - story telling!

This article outlines my prompting strategy, and contains the stories that GPT-4 has generated that we’ve really enjoyed.

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Batman (NES) Pixel Art Study

I’m trying to improve my pixel art skill, so I thought it would be fun to look closely at one of the best looking games on the NES – Batman!

Hopefully I can learn a few things from these great artists.

Grab a snack and enjoy some art with me 😀.

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FABRIK Algorithm (2D)

The FABRIK algorithm is an amazingly clever solution to the Inverse Kinematics problem – how to adjust the joints of an arm to reach a target location.

In this tutorial, I go over how the core algorithm works in 2D, building up from simple concepts.

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This Isn’t Normal

“That’s just the way it is!”

It amazes me how easily bad ideas fool humans.

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