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ChatGPT Story Time
My wife and I have found a fun use for ChatGPT - story telling!
This article outlines my prompting strategy, and contains the stories that GPT-4 has generated that we’ve really enjoyed.
Batman (NES) Pixel Art Study
I’m trying to improve my pixel art skill, so I thought it would be fun to look closely at one of the best looking games on the NES – Batman!
Hopefully I can learn a few things from these great artists.
Grab a snack and enjoy some art with me 😀.
FABRIK Algorithm (2D)
The FABRIK algorithm is an amazingly clever solution to the Inverse Kinematics problem – how to adjust the joints of an arm to reach a target location.
In this tutorial, I go over how the core algorithm works in 2D, building up from simple concepts.
Super Trump Run
I’ve been depressed lately. I decided to make a game to make me laugh and vent some steam. Enjoy!
The Failure of Being Right
Doesn’t it feel great to be right?
How do dynamically typed languages hold any data type in any value?
One way is NaN-Boxing. This technique crams a payload into a signaling NaN value.
Growing Through Pain
Watching the children around me growing up, I am always amazed at the amount of pain they are forced to deal with. Illness, uncertainty, divorce, frustration, powerlessness, death…
A child experiences such extreme amounts of pain on a daily basis.
Polygon Clipping (Part 2)
My previous polygon clipping tutorial dove into the Greiner-Hormann clipping algorithm. Unfortunately, this algorithm fails at common cases… so let’s revist the problem and try again.
The F. Martinez 2008 algorithm handles coincident edges (unlike Greiner-Hormann), but it still has some minor goofiness. Let’s solve this problem once and for all.
Polygon Clipping (Part 1)
Polygon clipping is an interesting problem: how do you intersect, union, or diff two polygons?
My first attempt was a failure:
Polygon Clipping - Part 1 (Greiner-Hormann)
So I researched and developed another algorithm, which handles every case:
Polygon Clipping - Part 2 (Modified F. Martinez 2008)