News Archive

NaN-Boxing Tutorial

I added a new tutorial, this time on NaN-boxing, which is a technique for implementing dynamic types in a language:


Meditations Under About Section

I decided to share meditations under the About tab. I love writing, and I’ve been writing for years, so it doesn’t take much to share publically. If it’s not your cup of tea, that’s okay.

Posted a new meditation today:

Growing Through Pain

Time Sink (one second GIF creator)

As a fun side project for today, I thought it would be cool to create a page where you could code an animation in sink (my scripting language), and have it output an animated GIF.

It only took a few hours of hacking away to get it to work – it’s pretty fun!

Here’s the result of the simple 19 line script pictured above:

BW Wave Example

BW Wave Example

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