
Why Bufo Is Real

Today I had my second experience taking 5-MeO-DMT (Bufo). This time, I wanted to keep my ego, keep English, and instead of having some emotional experience filled with love and healing, I wanted to have a conversation.

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What is “Not Real”?

Where does this concept of “not real” come from? Well, movies aren’t real, right? I watch horror movies all the time. Those aren’t real. But what exactly isn’t real?

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My Current Model of The Mind (2024)

I’ve been trying to come up with a model of how my mind works that incorporates the things I know, and the things I suspect are true.

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Body Sensations

I’ve always wondered why our awareness is so stuck in our head. Why can’t I leave my body right now, willfully? If out of body experiences are real, in some sense, then the body must have a grip on our awareness that we can’t normally break.

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Direct Knowing

If I were to talk about my Bufo trip to my younger self, he would be immediately skeptical. Especially since I find myself using the same words as other people who have used psychedelics: love, oneness, ego death, gratitude, and crying – lots of crying.

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Plausible Mechanisms for Karma

On the surface, the effects of karma can seem impossible. But cause and effect is so complex, that maybe two events that seem unrelated could have a deep connection.

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Are OBEs a delusional desire for immortality?

I’ve been thinking about the connection between OBEs and death, since my last experience included seeing my non-physical arm as mist.

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What Is The Soul?

In a previous post, I outlined what I feel is the most compelling evidence that the soul doesn’t exist. Now, let’s back up and explore the idea of the soul from a different perspective. If we did have a soul, how could it operate, and still be consistent with the facts we see?

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Evidence Against the Soul

Given that I regularly have out of body experiences, it would make sense that I believe in a soul. Reality is more complicated than that though. It’s important to study the facts, even if they’re contradictory and don’t paint a clear picture.

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Are we trapped in a Prison Planet?

There is an hypothesis in UFO lore that we are souls trapped on Earth, in a cycle of reincarnation, against our will. This is called the Prison Planet hypothesis. Can I find anything in my own life that bears a resemblance to the Prison Planet?

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