
Odyssey (LD30) Postmortem

Results are out for Ludum Dare 30, and my game Odyssey did pretty damn good!

Rank (of 1493) Category Rating
#13 Fun 4.11
#24 Theme 4.16
#34 Overall 4.00
#60 Innovation 4.00
#200 Mood 3.45
#269 Audio 3.22
#337 Humor 2.71
#484 Graphics 3.19

The #13 ranking in Fun just blows me away! My aggregate rating is 93.6% (+0.1% from last time).

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Inner Demons (LD29) Postmortem

Voting has officially ended for Ludum Dare 29. My entry was ranked as follows:

Rank (of 1493) Category Rating Percent Improvement
#63 Mood 3.88 95.8% +31.9%
#70 Humor 3.64 95.3% +22.0%
#101 Innovation 3.88 93.2% +26.5%
#116 Overall 3.76 92.2% +23.3%
#148 Fun 3.60 90.1% +10.9%
#149 Audio 3.50 90.0% N/A
#227 Theme 3.64 84.8% +52.3%
#551 Graphics 3.17 63.1% -8.0%

Average score: 88.1% (+23.0% improvement from previous entry)

If you’re curious, you can play my game, Inner Demons! Let’s dive into the postmortem…

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Diner Devil! (LD28) Postmortem

Voting has officially ended for Ludum Dare 28. My entry was ranked as follows:

Rank (of 1284) Category Rating Percent
#267 Fun 3.22 79.2%
#343 Humor 2.61 73.3%
#371 Graphics 3.17 71.1%
#399 Overall 3.13 68.9%
#427 Innovation 3.00 66.7%
#464 Mood 2.81 63.9%
#867 Theme 2.14 32.5%

Average score: 65.1%

If you’re curious, you can play my game, Diner Devil! Let’s dive into the postmortem…

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