Meditate Then Sleep Technique
I’ve discovered a simple technique for leaving my body by meditating for 40-60 minutes in the morning, then lying down in a relaxed state. This creates the ideal mind-awake-body-asleep condition.
Huge Water Airliner
I was zooming through a hyper-real building, and flew out the window, where I saw a huge airliner floating on water. I zoomed through the boarding area and heard announcements being made.
Hyper-real Plastic Environment
The meadow was hyper-real, with a plastic look. It reminded me of Toy Story. There was a fake looking grass surface, with fake looking purple flowers. I moved around in the environment completely facinated.
More Real Than Reality
I looked up into the sky and saw a new reality materialize over everything. It was super high definition with vibrant colors. It looked more real than reality.