Out-of-Body, Hyper-Real
Meditate Then Sleep Technique

I’ve been doing a kneeling meditation lately, which is new for me.
I haven’t been able to leave my body while kneeling, but I have discovered a different technique that is related to Wake Back To Bed (WBTB) that I used to do.
First, I wake up a little early – this morning it was around 6:45am. It’s still quiet and peaceful.
I use the restroom, brush my teeth, and sit down to meditate at around 7:00am.
This meditation is nothing special. I use normal techniques like being aware of the breath and quieting the mind. I try and enjoy the process and relax and let go.
After around 40-60 minutes, I go to the couch and lie down.
My mind is in a nice, relaxed, and quiet state.
I continue my meditation, but with more emphasis on being relaxed, and less on technique, and allow myself to drift off to sleep.
Without much fanfare, I am able to leave my body after about 20 minutes.
Even though this technique is simple, I think it works because the mind is put in an alert but relaxed state during meditation, and the body is still sleepy and can fall asleep with some nudging.
This mind-awake-body-asleep is the quintessential state that induces out of body experiences.
This is easier than the WBTB method, which requires waking up earlier (3am), and takes more effort to stay awake to prevent falling into a dream state immediately.
I had an OBE this morning using this technique, and another one a couple of days ago. The OBE this morning wasn’t too interesting, but was fun. At one point I was in another hyper-real location, where I saw my severed legs. I found this very amusing, despite the gory nature. Sometimes I think the Universe is testing me to see how I’ll react to something.
Either way, give the technique a try!