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My Current Model of The Mind (2024)

I’ve been trying to come up with a model of how my mind works that incorporates the things I know, and the things I suspect are true.

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Body Sensations

I’ve always wondered why our awareness is so stuck in our head. Why can’t I leave my body right now, willfully? If out of body experiences are real, in some sense, then the body must have a grip on our awareness that we can’t normally break.

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Silver Cord and Boredom

I have tried looking for my silver cord in the past, and never found anything. I didn’t expect this time would be any different. I reached around to my back, and to my surprise, there was a cord attached to my spine!

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Cat Person and Geiger Results #4

In the living room, I saw a cat-person. It was about five feet tall, and standing next to our couch. It literally looked like a human child with the human head swapped out for a cat head.

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Direct Knowing

If I were to talk about my Bufo trip to my younger self, he would be immediately skeptical. Especially since I find myself using the same words as other people who have used psychedelics: love, oneness, ego death, gratitude, and crying – lots of crying.

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From Dream to Out of Body

I go into a corner office, and think about what to do. Since I’m imagining a video game, I know that zombies will appear soon. Instead, I decide to try and leave the dream, and get out of body.

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Shot With A Beam

I saw a device in the corner of the room. It was very dark and my vision wasn’t that clear. Someone offered to turn on the device for me, and shoot me with it. I accepted the offer.

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Maintaining Awareness While Falling Asleep

I tried a new strategy this afternoon: every time I caught myself drifting off, I would open my eyes, and look around the room. The technique worked!

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Embracing the Vibrations

Looking around, I realized I wasn’t in my bathroom – I was in a different bathroom. It was like a bizarro bathroom. The aesthetic was different. It reminded me of the culture shock you experience when visiting a foreign country. The subtle details are different from what you’re used to.

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Descent Into Dreaming

I floated towards the door, and my vision was becoming more clear. I looked down at my feet, and saw myself floating about a foot off the ground, as I glided down the hallway.

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